The role of CEOs in building consensualism in the corporate environment

Thu.17oct10:00Thu.12:00The role of CEOs in building consensualism in the corporate environment10:00 - 12:00(GMT-03:00) Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 3900 (12º andar) - Itaim Bibi, São Paulo - SP, 04538-132Language Portuguese

Event Details

Eduardo Rodrigues Rocha (Founder and CEO of Klubi Administradora de Consórcios)
Kiki Moretti (Founder and CEO of Grupo In Press)
Marcelo Perlman (Founder of Perlman Mediação e Estratégias Jurídicas and Coordinator of Namne)
Gabriela Cordoniz (Parner of Gabriela Codorniz Advocacia Empresaria and Coordinator of Namne)
Caio Campello (Counsel of Linklaters and Coordinator of Namne)
Luis Fernando Guerrero (Partner of Lobo de Rizzo)
Paula Abi-Chahine (Partner of Lobo de Rizzo)


Lobo de Rizzo Advogados

Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 3900 (12º andar) - Itaim Bibi, São Paulo - SP, 04538-132

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October 17, 2024 10:00 - 12:00(GMT-03:00)



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